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Enhanced font collection

Ascii Text Fancy Numbers Decorated Fonts Brackets Fonts Emoticons Font Fancy Designs Font

Generate Stunning ASCII Art Text Online

Font Changer - Explain Font Changer website

How to Use Our ASCII Art Generator

To use our ASCII Art Generator, start by visiting our website. Enter your text into the provided input box. Choose from a variety of styles and fonts available in the generator. Once you’ve selected your preferred style, click the 'Generate' button. The generator will create an ASCII art version of your text. You can then copy and paste the generated ASCII art into your documents, emails, or social media posts to give them a unique and creative touch. It’s simple, fun, and adds a personalized flair to your content.

Why Choose Our ASCII Art Text Tool

Our ASCII Art Text Tool is the best choice for creating unique and eye-catching text art. It's user-friendly and doesn't require any special skills. Simply type your text, select from a variety of styles, and instantly see the results. Perfect for social media, websites, and emails, our tool helps your content stand out. Plus, it's free to use and works on any device, making it convenient and accessible for everyone. Create impressive text art quickly and easily with our ASCII Art Text Tool.

               _____  _____ _____ _____ 
        /\    / ____|/ ____|_   _|_   _|
       /  \  | (___ | |      | |   | |  
      / /\ \  \___ \| |      | |   | |  
     / ____ \ ____) | |____ _| |_ _| |_ 
    /_/    \_\_____/ \_____|_____|_____|

Benefits of Using ASCII Art in Projects

Using ASCII art in projects offers several benefits. It adds a unique, creative touch to your work, making it visually engaging without needing complex graphics. ASCII art is lightweight, so it doesn't slow down your website or application. It also ensures compatibility across different devices and platforms since it relies on standard text characters. Additionally, ASCII art can be easily customized and edited, making it a flexible choice for various projects, from coding to digital communication.

What Is Ascii Text

ASCII means American Standard Code for Information Interchange—a character encoding standard utilized in electronic communication systems. To embed images was not possible back then hence; a form of it called, “ASCII art” was quite popular especially in the early days of email communication systems. Different artistic effects are achieved using various techniques employed in ascii art.

Types of Ascii Text Fonts

We have more than 100 Ascii Text Fonts, few of them given below.

Acrobatic font

            o                              o     
            <|>                            <|>    
            < >                            < >    
             |        o__  __o   \o    o/   |     
             o__/_   /v      |>   v\  /v    o__/_ 
             |      />      //     <\/>     |     
             |      \o    o/       o/\o     |     
             o       v\  /v __o   /v  v\    o     
             <\__     <\/> __/>  />    <\   <\__  

Banner font

######## ######## ##     ## ######## 
   ##    ##        ##   ##     ##    
   ##    ##         ## ##      ##    
   ##    ######      ###       ##    
   ##    ##         ## ##      ##    
   ##    ##        ##   ##     ##    
   ##    ######## ##     ##    ##    

Block Fonts

 _|_|_|_|_|                      _|      
     _|      _|_|    _|    _|  _|_|_|_|  
     _|    _|_|_|_|    _|_|      _|      
     _|    _|        _|    _|    _|      
     _|      _|_|_|  _|    _|      _|_|  

Doom Font

 _____         _   
|_   _|       | |  
  | | _____  _| |_ 
  | |/ _ \ \/ / __|
  | |  __>  <| |_ 

Epic Font

_________ _______          _________
\__   __/(  ____ \|\     /|\__   __/
   ) (   | (    \/( \   / )   ) (   
   | |   | (__     \ (_) /    | |   
   | |   |  __)     ) _ (     | |   
   | |   | (       / ( ) \    | |   
   | |   | (____/\( /   \ )   | |   
   )_(   (_______/|/     \|   )_(   

Speed Font

________           _____ 
___  __/________  ___  /_
__  /  _  _ \_  |/_/  __/
_  /   /  __/_>  < / /_  
/_/    \___//_/|_| \__/  

Cyber Font

 _______ _______ _     _ _______
    |    |______  \___/     |   
    |    |______ _/   \_    |   

Puffy Font

 _____             _   
(_   _)           ( )_ 
  | |   __        | ,_)
  | | /'__`\(`\/')| |  
  | |(  ___/ >  < | |_ 